Representative Executive Officer Evaluation Committee


  1. Role

    This Committee evaluates items such as the core management policies of the Representative Executive Officers and business performance, notifies and reports the evaluation results to the Representative Executive Officers, and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors regarding the dismissal of Representative Executive Officers as necessary. Through these actions, the Committee holds the role of strengthening the Board of Directors' deliberative function for the selection/dismissal of Representative Executive Officers.

  2. Members

    This Committee is comprised of all outside directors.

  3. Operation

    Particulars regarding the evaluation items, evaluation procedure, resolution method, recommendation of matters such as dismissal, and other necessary items regarding this Committee are stipulated in the "Representative Executive Officer Evaluation Committee Regulations." As all Committee members share these clearly defined standards, they are able to pass a resolution to replace any ineligible Representative Executive Officers without hesitation.

<Core management policies/Evaluation details>

Core management policies Evaluation details
1 Policies regarding corporate culture How well DISCO VALUES, the company's corporate philosophy that identifies DISCO's ideals such as the direction in which the company should progress and the basic approach of management, is instilled in the company
2 Policies regarding evolution and improvement How well PIM (Performance Innovation Management: activities to promote improvement and efficiency in work) is being promoted throughout the whole company
How well the Personal Will Accounting (DISCO group's unique managerial accounting system that visualizes the individual performance of each employee) is being promoted
3 Policies to improve employee satisfaction ES (Employee Satisfaction) Survey results, external survey rankings regarding job satisfaction

Purpose of establishment

This Committee was established in order to address the risk of a management where DISCO's core management policies are neglected and corporate culture is damaged as a result of the turnover of Representative Executive Officers that will repeatedly occur in the future. The items regarding the Representative Executive Officers that are evaluated by this Committee have been selected so that such a risk can be discovered at an early stage should it become apparent.
The purpose of this Committee is to prevent the company's corporate values from deteriorating significantly as a result of ineligible Representative Executive Officers damaging the DISCO group's corporate culture or interfering with the company's sustained growth.