The mission of DISCO Corporation and group companies (hereafter, "DISCO") is "To bring the benefits of leading-edge science to everyday lives by developing and applying the most advanced Kiru, Kezuru, and Migaku technologies." To this end, DISCO designs, manufactures, and sells precision cutting, grinding and polishing machines, precision diamond abrasive tools, precision electronic components, and related computer systems, and provides related services (hereafter "Activities").
In performing its Activities, DISCO makes use of the names, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, street addresses, etc., of customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders (hereafter, "Personal Information"). DISCO has formulated this policy for the handling, management, and protection of Personal Information so that those who provide such Personal Information (hereafter "Information Providers") may do so without fear of misuse.
Established: March 31, 2005 Revised: March 18, 2025
Takao Tamura, Chief Privacy Officer (CPO)
Executive Director, Member of the Board
DISCO Corporation
Compliance with the Law and Constant Improvement of Information Management
DISCO complies with all laws and regulations pertaining to the protection of personal information and is committed to the continuous improvement of its procedures for handling, managing, and protecting it.
Handling and Management: General Guidelines
1. DISCO establishes internal rules for handling Personal Information and makes known to its executives and all employees the proper procedures for handling, managing, and protecting it.
2. DISCO specifies clear purposes for using Personal Information and does not use it beyond the scope of these purposes without the permission of Information Providers. (For the purposes of use, see "Purpose of Use" below.)
3. DISCO establishes internal controls, including information security controls, to protect Personal Information from unauthorized access, unauthorized divulging, improper alteration, misplacement or loss, etc.
4. DISCO does not communicate Personal Information to third parties without the permission of Information Providers, except as directed by law or as necessary in subcontracting (see next number) or sharing of information with the group companies.
5. DISCO supplies Personal Information to subcontractors only within the scope of specified purposes of use. In doing so, DISCO confirms that Personal Information is being managed properly by those to whom it is conveyed.
Purposes of Use
DISCO employs Personal Information only for the sake of its Activities and within the scope of the following purposes. However, in the case that consent has been provided separately by the Information Provider, Personal Information may be used within the agreed scope of purpose. Furthermore, Personal Information is not used for the purpose of automated judgments (such as profiling) without the consent of the Information Provider.
Sharing Information with Group Companies
Based on the location or content of inquires or transactions, DISCO shares some Personal Information within DISCO Group companies as necessary to perform its Activities effectively throughout the world, keeping within the specified purposes of use. In sharing information with group companies, each group company has signed a standard agreement in accordance with the provisions in the General Data Protection Regulation (hereafter "GDPR").
* Some of the group companies are located outside of the European Economic Area (hereafter "EEA").
Disclosure of Personal Information
Except in the case that there are legal limitations, the DISCO Group may provide or disclose Personal Information to a third party in the following cases:
- When the Information Provider has given their consent
- When required to comply with legal or regulatory obligations
- When required in a lawsuit
Period for Retaining Personal Information
The DISCO Group stores Personal information for the period necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use. Personal information is promptly deleted once the storage period has lapsed.
Selection by Information Provider
As a general rule, Personal Information is provided to the DISCO Group by the Information Provider with the consent of the Information Provider, and the Information Provider does not have an obligation to provide the Personal Information to the DISCO Group. However, if the Personal Information is not provided or is insufficient, we may not be able to provide the following services to the Information Provider, causing a disadvantage to the Information Provider.
Agreement and Rescinding Agreement with the Personal Information Protection Policy
The Information Provider agrees with the Personal Information Protection Policy, and the DISCO Group shall handle the Personal Information of the Information Provider in accordance with the applicable laws (including but not limited to the laws corresponding to the GDPR when it applies), this Personal Information Protection Policy, and the internal regulations of the DISCO Group. The Information Provider may rescind their agreement at any time by contacting any of the point of inquiries for Personal Information listed below.
In addition, even in the event that agreement is rescinded, it will not affect the validity to process Personal Information that was used before the agreement was rescinded. Furthermore, if the agreement is rescinded by the Information Provider, DISCO may not be able to provide the services listed in "Selection by Information Provider" to the Information Provider, causing a disadvantage to the Information Provider.
Disclosure, Correction, and Suspended Use of Personal Information, and Submitting an Objection
The Information Provider can request to be notified of the purpose of use of Personal Information, disclose, revise, add, or delete Personal Information, suspend or limit use of Personal Information, remove suspensions or limitations on the use of Personal Information, and exercise the right to data portability by contacting any of the point of inquiries for Personal Information listed below.
Furthermore, Information Providers located in the EEA can submit an objection concerning the DISCO Group’s handling of Personal Information to the Data Protection Supervisory Authority in accordance with the regulations in the GDPR.
If you have any inquiries regarding the DISCO Group' s handling of Personal Information, please contact us through any of the below methods. When issuing an inquiry, you may be asked for proof of identity to prevent issues such as the unauthorized acquisition of Personal Information by another party.
Use of Access Logs and Cookies
Access Logs
Access logs are recorded of the information of persons who have accessed the DISCO Corporation (hereafter "the Company") website (, hereafter "the Website") in order to maintain the Website, respond to site malfunctions, and statistically analyze usage. This information includes the domain name, IP address, browser type, time and date of access, etc. As a general rule, excepting those cases in which the cause of a site malfunction must be traced, this data is not gathered or recorded so as to be traced to any particular user. However, in the following cases, it may be used for the purposes described in this section or within the scope of the purposes described above.
The Website uses cookies. Cookies are downloaded and saved onto computers, smartphones, tablets, and other devices with an active internet connection. The cookies consist of two types: "Session cookies" and "Persistent cookies". "Session cookies" are temporarily saved. "Persistent cookies" are saved on the device for the period specified within the cookie. The Website primarily uses cookies for the following purposes:
- To continually improve the Website and provide the optimal user experience
- To statistically investigate and analyze browsing of the Website
If you do not wish to receive the cookies, you can either stop using the Website or turn off the cookies in your browser’s settings, provided it is a standard browser. (For how to change the settings, please refer to your browser’s "Help" function or a similar source of information.) However, turning off the cookies may affect the functionality of the Website and prevent you from being able to access all or part of the information published on the Website.
DISCO will continue to revise this policy and its internal controls in response to changes in the law, regulations, government guidelines, and societal trends related to the protection and management of personal information.