
In order to be the best we can be, DISCO perceives ethics to include not only the law but, also the spirit of the law, manners, and moral outlook. We have established a Code of Ethics and we have also set up an Ethical Support System to provide counselling contacts for employees faced with a difficult ethical decision, or involved in behaviour that violates the Code of Ethics. Furthermore, in order to check that ethical activities are being implemented, we have included a section on ethics in our annual Employee Satisfaction Survey and are conducting activities to promote infusion within each division.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics clarifies what is not permitted from an ethical viewpoint in DISCO management, corporate activities or in the words and deeds of DISCO personnel; And put in writing, as rules, what should not be done.

Code of Ethics – complete text

Ethics system

We have set up counseling contacts to give advice to employees who are faced with difficult ethical decisions, or involved in behavior that violates the Code of Ethics.
We guarantee confidentiality and anonymity with regard to the contents of the consultations and reports, and will ensure that the consulter/reporter does not suffer any disadvantages.
